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A derogatory term used to describe Ashani people, especially immigrant populations in and around neighboring foreign lands such as Tulston or the Cardinth Valley.  These people have little access to bathing and as such develop a lot of dust and dirt on their skin and...

Red Night

Red Night, or The Red Nights, is a colloquial term referring to the seasonal occurrence when Veria appears in the sky at night as opposed to during the day, thus giving the evenings a reddish glow....


Among the Id'Ori people, the Shaemen (pl.) are a the local tribal leaders responsible for overseeing medical care, village upkeep, education, and inter-tribal communication.  A Shaeman is appointed by his or her tribe as Shaeman'ti, an accolyte or apprentice chosen from among his tribal peers...

Tin Toppers

A colloquial term used to describe the city guards of Tulston, who wear helmets made from the cheapest metals that provide very little protection, but contain trace amounts of verium woven in an intricate pattern that can be monitored by the central regency, as well...